Tuesday 28 November 2023

2023 CQ World Wide DX Contest CW

I participated in the CQ World Wide DX contest CW, the biggest event of the DX contest, with non-assisted, 10m band and low power.

Conditions had improved before the contest, and I stood at the starting line at 00:00UTC 09:00JST, hoping for a big 10m open.

I started running at as much as possible, free space at the higher end of the band, thinking that since I was on 100W, I would not stand out in the QRM, busy signal, and I spend a moment in the pile, but soon stopped, so I started picking up running stations as S/P from the lower frequencies one by one. This, too, soon ran its course and was sluggish. I achieved 150 QSOs in 3 hours in the morning, which was less than expected.

I am looking forward to the opening of Europe in the evening. As expected, the European area gradually began to open from noon, and the peak continued from around 16:00 to 19:00 Japan time in the evening, recording 100Q/H. 460 QSOs achieved here!

The next morning, I expected the opening of North America, but the conditions were not as expected due to a magnetic storm, so I could not increase the number of stations. However, Europe was good in the evening, and I were able to increase the number of stations. 840 QSOs achieved here!

On the last day of the contest, from around 7:00 am to 9:00 am on Monday morning in Japan, I wanted to increase the number of multis, so I finished the contest repeating Run and S/P. As a result 941QSOs.

The result was a satisfactory number of stations for me, but the number of multis was low.


S/P(False) and Run(True)

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