Wednesday 29 March 2023

2023 CQ WPX SSB 10m Lo power

 CQ WPX Contest review by JA6WFM.

Over the weekend, I participated in the CQ WPX SSB contest on a 10m band.

The contest started at 00:00 UTC at 9:00 in the morning Japan time. Normally, the North American area is open and be able to hear a lot of strong signals. It was less.

I quickly exhausted all the North American stations I could hear and started running, but I was rarely called.

Fortunately, I could hear a lot of nearby stations belonging to Oceania, such as YB and DU, so I gave up trying to QSO with North America and turned my antenna from northeast to southwest to accumulate points.

At around 3:00 pm Japan time, 06UTC, QSO time with Europe will begin. A lot of stations were heard compared to morning North America and conditions. This continued until 12 UTC around 9:00 pm Japan time, and I was able to accumulate more points.

The second day was much the same as the first day. On Monday morning Japan time, the A index was down, so I was hoping for an opening in the North American direction towards the end of the season, but it only recovered a little from the first day, and I wasn't able to accumulate points as usual.

That said, compared to last year's conditions, this year's conditions were much better and I was able to achieve my target score. 


Audio review

IC-7700(100W) 6ele Yagi N1MM

Time / QSO Zone

Running QSO(True) and S&P(False)

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